

This is my first entry. The beginning of a journey that has been many months, or more like years, in the making. I am super excited and also a little apprehensive, of the unknown. There is no doubt in my mind that this will be an ever changing and evolving platform. So as I, and hopefully ‘we’, roll with the punches, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

The plan is to write/post twice weekly, and as much as I know how life likes to play havoc with my programs, I will endeavor to stick to the game plan, as much as is within my realm of possibilities. I will write about common conditions that I have seen through the years and offering some home remedies that can help with your pets. Then there will also be some humorous posts about happenings in a very busy mixed private practice, and boy, we do have a lot of fun. We are often in tears of laughter, probably a bizarre coping mechanism, but fun it still is and in a weird way it brings us closer as a veterinary family and closer to our patients. If nothing else it raises the energy vibrations in the clinic which can only improve everyone’s wellbeing and the treatment results.

As I am sitting here compiling this post I feel privileged to have this opportunity. I am writing from the comfort of my home, listening to millions of crickets singing their tune outside. Only interrupted, or overpowered by frogs songs. We had a fair amount of rain the last week and the frogs and nature in general is so alive after a really dry winter. I live in a beautiful part of South Africa where nature feels very close to humanity and everyday life. I draw part of my energy from my surrounding and the African bush feeds my soul. I will share the occasional experience and photos as well. Hopefully encouraging my audience to visit this site not solely
when their pets are sick, but also for a look at snippets of my life to help to get to know me better.

The local wood owls, which nest in my garden, are also active. Hooting and feasting on all the insects the rain and the dusk has brought out. The bird life here is incredible. I have never woken up in any part of the world, and I have woken up in a few, with a similar bird welcome. It can almost be described as racket…it is so loud and so varied. Absolutely beautiful.

Another theme I will be subjecting you in future is history, and specifically anything animal related. I will start with famous animals through history and then I will see where that leads me. History, ancient and medieval, is my other calling in life. If I hadn’t become a vet, a historian would have been my second choice. Through the years I have taken a few ancient history courses and read numerous books to satisfy my craving. This will only materialize at a later stage though, once I am well into this online existence and have mastered the basics.

I hope this has whet your appetite and I hope to welcome you soon, here, on creaturenetlink.co.za

Dr Sarah

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